I recently began to think that I have not explained the title of my blog. "One she can change your life" is a quote that I have often thought about- can a shoe really change your life? I do not mean in a literal way, I mean can worldly things change your life? How do we know what our life plan is? I have a sign posted above my closet doors with this quote written on it (as you can see in my picture).
I chose this title for my blog, not because I ACTUALLY believe one shoe can change your life, but because it is a simple dream that became a reality, that changed a life.
I dream of being a teacher; you might dream of being a doctor, lawyer, writer, dancer, whatever. Dreams are something that God puts in us to share with the world. A verse that is commonly taken out of context is Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." This verse is commonly quoted in a worldly way. We are taught that if we love the Lord, He will give us money, fame, or whatever it is our hearts "desire." WRONG! David is talking about our true genuine desires; the ones that are put there from God. We sometimes choose to ignore the beginning of that verse..."Delight yourself in the Lord AND THEN..." then and only then will our desires be granted. Why? Because by delighting ourselves in the Lord our desires will coincide with HIS desires. Verse 7 says "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men succeed in there ways..." If we are still and listen to what the Lord has for us- we might actually learn something about ourselves. So I challenge myself and everyone else to be still and wait for the Lord to tell us what our desires are- and while we are waiting I want to delight in the waiting for the Lord. My life plan might not come to me in the mail signed from God Himself; however, I know that He is looking, sitting, waiting for me to choose to come before Him and say "here I am Lord, send me."